Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Anger Management Classes - Frequently Asked Questions

Anger management classes aim to teach anger management skills in an educational rather than a psychotherapy setting. Classes last for an hour or two and have durations of ten hours and up depending upon your needs.
Who should take the classes?
If you are ordered to take anger classes by court, or by your employer you should take a class. If you are having problems with other people and can benefit from better communication, listening and judgment skills, and also expectation management and empathy skills, you will learn all this and more in our management classes.
Is there a difference between Anger Management classes and individual counseling?
The main difference between the two is, the class is done in a group setting, unless it is an online course. With individual counseling it is one on one, like having a personal coach guide you through the different lessons.
Are there different ways to take an Anger Management Class?
There are group classes, individual coaching, home study courses, online study courses.
What are online courses like?
The online courses cover the same content as the group class, but it is completely online in our online classroom.
Are anger management online classes are going to help me?
You know that these classes are going to help because they have helped 96% of those who have used them in the past. All you need to bring is a good reason why you want to change. The people who came to the classes with a reason to change have been successful in making changes. The methods used are evidence based, and have been tested with experience.
How can I tell if I have an "Anger Problem"?
The answer to this question can be lengthy and while there are many answers, I will say look to see if your anger leaves you feeling distressed in your body or your mind.
When angry do you become nauseated, winded, dizzy, or sweaty? Do you feel depressed, guilty ashamed or anxious. Are you angry for longer than you want to be? Are you having relationship problems because of anger? Are you angry a lot? When angry, do you lose control of yourself?
If many of your answers are yes, then you can use some help with managing your anger.
How does anger affect your health?
Uncontrolled anger is bad for your health. There are links to anger management online classes and heart disease. Anger is thought to be a leading player in heart attacks in men under the age of 55 years. Anger has also been linked to strokes as well.


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